[josm-dev] Using Java

Dirk Stöcker openstreetmap at dstoecker.de
Wed Jun 11 16:16:02 UTC 2014

On Wed, 11 Jun 2014, Martijn van Exel wrote:

>> I have been cautioned twice in security forums about the use of Java on 
>> my Windows 8 PC (it seems it might be responsible for the daily 
>> creation of a particular and large temporary file).  The latest reply 
>> advises me to either remove it completely or have it in a separate 
>> browser for use only with those applications that require it.  The 
>> version on my PC is Java 7 update 55.  I was informed the latest 
>> versions are Java 7 update 60 or Java 8 update 5 (Can I use Java 8?). 
>> I wonder what other users of JOSM have to say on the matter.
> There is a difference between running Java programs, such as JOSM, on
> your computer, and running Java applets in your browser. Most of the
> security concerns I hear about deal with browser applets. You can
> disable Java plugins in your browser, thus preventing it from running
> any Java applets, or change their security settings to ask for
> permission to run each time. This will not impact your ability to run
> JOSM on your desktop.

- You need to have Java installed (taking newest version when possible)
- You can disable the troublesome Java browser plugin causing all the
   security nightmares or simply use up-to-date browsers which do that by
- When installing or updating Java take care, that useless stuff like the
   "Ask toolbar" is disabled.

> I don't think JOSM will run on Java 8, but I haven't tried it.

Works fine with Java 8. Why shouldn't it?

http://www.dstoecker.eu/ (PGP key available)

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