Changeset IDs and versions as Long?

Toby Murray toby.murray at
Mon Jul 25 21:01:06 UTC 2016

I'm at the SOTM-US hack day. Someone heard I've tinkered with JOSM and
asked some questions. They are trying to work on making an OSM API but
with peer-to-peer functionality instead of only talking to a single
API endpoint.

Their plan is to use changeset IDs and object version numbers as kind
of a commit hash using large numbers. This means both of these would
need to be Longs instead of Integers for JOSM to work against it.

I don't know how far along their project is or what the end goal
really is. But what are people's thoughts about this idea as it
relates to JOSM code? I know object IDs are already Longs. How hard
would it be to make this change and would these changes be appropriate
to include in JOSM core or would they need to maintain their own fork
to do this?


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