[OSM-legal-talk] Rights granted to OSMF (Section 2 of the CT)

ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen g.gremmen at cetest.nl
Mon Apr 18 06:26:32 BST 2011

Thanks Grant,

I understand what the OSMF stands for, and my question was maybe

What does this phrase (about the transferred rights )in the contributor
terms mean:

> From CT 1.2.4/2
> " These rights explicitly include commercial use, and do not exclude
> field of endeavour."

As written down it seems opposite to the OSMF statutes and memorandum...




The OSMF is a not-for-profit company registered in England and Wales,
the foundation has no paid staff and it is made up exclusively of
unpaid volenteers. The OSMF board is made up of democratically elected
volenteers. I am not an OSMF apologist, the OSMF definitely does have
warts like: Where are the Board Minutes for the last few months? or
what happend to the GPS2Go program?... and other gripes... But I am
reminded they are volenteers too.

"The income and capital of the Company shall be applied solely towards
the promotion of the objects of the Company; and no part of the income
or capital shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, to
the members of the Company, whether by way of dividend or bonus or
otherwise in the form of profit." source:

80n was treasurer when the OSMF was formed.


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