[OSM-newbies] Cannot save using POTLATCH

James Ewen ve6srv at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 17:55:33 BST 2010

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 7:06 AM, Bob Maloney <maloneybob at gmail.com> wrote:

> Where is the box that says "Convert GPS tracks to ways" ? I cannot find it
> on the EDIT screen.

Have a look at this Wiki page that I just made, complete with pictures...


> I will try and determine a standard for tagging all the Park roads whether
> they predate the park or were built by the park. I will pass the standard. I
> alsu need a standard for hiking trails do divide them between named, blazed
> trails and unnamed, unblazed but walkableetrails. I will look at MAP
> features and try to come up with something.

Finding a standard on the OSM map might be a challenge, as each person
who adds a way has a different opinion. There's no set in stone set of
rules, but through consensus, usually a pseudo-standard comes to
fruition. If you put most of the trails into the park, you might just
be the one setting the standard.

> The Appalachian Trail and the Long Path (blazed hiking  trail from NYC to
>  almost the Canadian border) pass through the park.  Parts of them are shown
> on the map. I have time stamped GPX files of some parts that are not shown
> in OSM. I will add and connect to what is there if possible.

These are definitely trails that you will find many people working on.
If you can add your part, that will make many people happy.

> One last thing, I see that the Nawahunta Fire Road does not show all the way
> to Route 6 in higher zoom levels. In lower zoom levels, it goes all the way.
> I believe the reason for that is that in the northern most part the points
> for the way are more sparsely spaced than in the southern part. How do I add
> points between others in the way/

Have another look... density of nodes means nothing. I can make a road
100 miles long with only a single node at each end, and it will render
at all zoom levels. Probably what you are seeing is the original track
that you defined that did not connect to US 6 rendered when zoomed in
tight. You added the extension, and some tiles are showing that
addition while other tiles are still showing the original track. The
Mapnik rendering engine looks for changes in the database, and creates
new tiles. This used to take about a week or so, but these days it
happens pretty darned quickly. It's not instantaneous, so you can
sometimes find roads on one zoom level, and not another.

If you do want to add nodes to a way, select the way, then press
<shift> while clicking on the way where you want to add a node. Again,
this information is on the Help Quick Reference page of Potlatch. I
read through that page many, many times while learning Potlatch,
because as I gained an understanding of Potlatch, more and more of the
information presented made more sense. I still read through it years
later, and still glean a little more from it each time.


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