[OSM2World] The .obj created by osm2world can not import into 3Ds Max 2012 correctly?

Color Zhang colorzc at stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Fri Jul 25 02:08:27 UTC 2014

Hi Everyone,
    Recently I try to build 3D models in Ogre from .osm file.
    I used osm2world and it is really cool that I can easily export .obj mesh from maps.
However, since Ogre does not support .obj directly ,so I need to transform it into .mesh
file in the 3Ds Max 2012.
    When I import the .obj in the software, an error which showed "ERROR - invalid vertex index‍" 
occured and no meshes appear.
     Is there a 3D modeling software or open library that can open the .obj correctly?
     Or How to fix the problem by modifying the .obj file?
     Thanks and sorry to interrupt you.
     It will be nice if I can hear from you.
Color Zhang
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