[Osmf-talk] [OSM-talk] Modus operandi of the board

Sarah Hoffmann lonvia at denofr.de
Thu Oct 23 08:24:28 UTC 2014


moving back to osmf-talk list, as this is a management issue of the

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 09:58:54AM +0200, Simon Poole wrote:
> Am 23.10.2014 08:22, schrieb Sarah Hoffmann:
> ......
> > 
> > It very clear states the obligations of a board member with respect to
> > board meetings and transparency. How does the board hold its individual
> > members accountable for following the rules of order? How can the
> > OSMF membership hold board members accountable for it?
> ......
> The board members are elected by the OSMF members and the board doesn't
> really have control over its own composition outside of a couple of
> nuclear options that naturally tend to not be invoked.
> The rules of order can be seen as a contract between the board members
> complementary to the law and articles of association, but just as in the
> real world a breach of contract will make people unhappy, but given the
> trade-offs tend to not have any consequences of note.
> One thing has become obvious, that the current 1/3 of the board stands
> for re-election per year rule has provided lots of continuity but not
> enough change. Going forward I would suggest tweaking the articles to
> limit consecutive terms to two (just reiterating what I've said earlier)
> and require a minimum of 3 seats to be available at every election.

Sounds in principle reasonable to me. I presume 'two consequtive terms'
would mean 6 years? With the higher number of seats to be put out for
reelection that might mean in practice that a member is reelected more
than once in these 6 years.

In general, is that something that still can be put up for vote at the
upcoming AGM?


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