[osmosis-dev] Postgis is in repo1.maven.org

Hakan Tandogan hakan at gurkensalat.com
Fri Dec 11 13:52:37 GMT 2009

> Okay, the postgis library has a different name on the public repo.
> I've tried updating the ivy dependency descriptor as follows (note
> addition of "-jdbc" in the name):
> <dependency org="org.postgis" name="postgis-jdbc" rev="1.3.2"
> conf="compile->default"/>
> This doesn't work for a couple of reasons.
> 1. It also pulls in a postgis-stubs module.  I don't know what the purpose
> of this is but it breaks all PostgreSQL functionality.  Presumably it
> stubs
> out the PGConnection object for some reason, but I don't know why the
> postgis-jdbc pom includes it as a transitive dependency.

O.k., my mistake. I'll rebuild the postgis poms. The stubs are only needed
for compiling the postgis JDBC drivers, they are using the stubs for
working around a class name visibility problem.

I guess I'll get around to that later tonight...

> 2. The postgis jdbc extensions aren't registered.  This breaks classes
> such as PGGeometry such that any PostGIS functionality breaks
> (ie. --pgsql-* tasks).
> However it doesn't solve the postgis extensions not being registered.
> I've
> compared the original postgis.jar with the new postgis-jdbc.jar and there
> is
> one key difference.  The file org/postgresql/driverconfig.properties is
> missing in the postgis-jdbc.jar.

Aaaah, o.k. Thanks for finding this :-)

> Hakan, I assume you produced this jar yourself using your own maven setup?
> Are you able to fix it to include this missing file?  Or is there another
> dependency I need to include in order to get this file from somewhere
> else?

Yes, I produced the jar myself. I was planning on contributing the jar to
the postgis team, thanks for catching this error.

> When I get a chance I'll revert the delete of postgis jar from the local
> repo and use that until the public one works.

If you want to wait a few moments more, you should have a fixed postgis
jar latest tomorrow.


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