[Rebuild] Bot destroying things (MPs)

Dermot McNally dermotm at gmail.com
Mon Jul 16 23:09:06 BST 2012

On 16 July 2012 21:20, Andreas Labres <list at lab.at> wrote:

> -> Guys, fix this bugs! A closed ring has to stay closed (ok, you remove nodes,
> but the whole ring has to stay closed)! And a forest that always was a forest
> (our's mostly where imported from plan.at) has to stay a forest!

A reminder of how things work in OSM - we don't get to demand things.
We especially don't get to demand, say, a bug fix, without identifying
a bug. What we do is to work with other members of the community
towards a common goal. Some of us even put personal effort into doing
this. None of the effect that you have identified sound surprising in
the context of the redaction process and we have known for more than a
year that this kind of thing could happen. A shame? Certainly. The
solution is also known. And yes, it involves work.


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