[OSM-Science] Your kind advice is appreciated: focus group study on OSM Changeset Discussion interface design

Youjin Choe ychoe at student.unimelb.edu.au
Tue Jun 7 04:22:08 UTC 2022

Dear members of OSM Science mailing list,

My name is Youjin Choe, and I am a PhD candidate (Geomatics) at University
of Melbourne, Australia. I am writing to get your kind advice on the
potential focus group study on OSM changeset discussion interface design.

My research topic is on the user conflict management process in the online
geospatial data communities (which has mixed components of GIS, HCI, and
organizational management). I have been using OSM as my case study, and so
far I have conducted a Delphi survey on user conflict in OSM and analyzed
user conflict management approaches from OSM changeset discussion. Based on
the results of these studies, I have created a few mock-up interface
designs that could be applied to OSM changeset discussion for managing user

I am hoping to organize a two-round focus group study which aims to collect
OSM user feedback on these mock-ups. I would appreciate your kind advice on
whether this could be of interest to the OSM community, and if so, which
communication channel is the most appropriate one to share more information
about this study.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Youjin Choe
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