[Tagging] parking spaces limited to cars (no busses, trucks, etc.)

David Murn davey at incanberra.com.au
Sun May 1 00:27:52 BST 2011

On Sun, 2011-05-01 at 00:56 +0200, Stefan Bethke wrote:

> > Maybe the alternative is to instead tag that its only suitable for
> > single-tracked vehicles (ie. access=no motorbike=yes) rather than trying
> > to figure out what isnt allowed?  From how I read the discussion that
> > seems to be the problem?
> My concrete problem is a parking lot that only cars are allowed to use,
> but not trucks nor busses (technically, parking is allowed for two
> track vehicles with no trailers, not exceeding a gross mass of 3.5
> tonnes).

A simple tag would be hgv, which I think technically means a gross mass
exceeding 4.5, but close enough.  You dont have to tag every possible
access option, if you have hgv=no then its pretty obvious that access is
forbidden for heavy vehicles.  Im fairly sure hgv also includes buses,
although you can use psv for buses if you want it explicitly.


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