[Tagging] Additional attributes for drinking_water

Bryce Nesbitt bryce2 at obviously.com
Fri Nov 4 01:35:58 GMT 2011

I would like to move forward on adding richness to the mapping of 
drinking water sources:
Would people take a peek and make comments, so things can be taken to 
the next stage?

There are about 30,000 drinking water sources mapped in osm.
There is already a mobile app that draws on OSM data:

The tag is here:

There is also the related tag:
Which seems to be primarily useful to identify places you might think 
have drinkable water
(like a restroom or mountain hut or a well 
<http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/node/944463314>) but don't.
There are also a few confusing ones like:
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