[Tagging] [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Tagging Live indoor music venues

Steve Bennett stevagewp at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 07:57:05 UTC 2013

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 1:47 AM, Peter Wendorff
<wendorff at uni-paderborn.de> wrote:
> But where's the border? In the following examples let all these facilities
> serve food and drinks.
> - an event location that has daily concerts and opens only for these events.
> - an event location that has daily concerts, but is open two hours before
> already and stays open for the rest of the night until everyone is gone.
> - an event location that has daily concerts in the evening but is open for
> lunch guests and the like around
> - a restaurant where occasionally life music is played by bands and so on
> (also known as "concerts")
> - a restaurant where once in a year life music is played
> - a restaurant where all music comes from CD or mp3
> - a restaurant that's entirely silent

Yep, it's a spectrum. And we can argue endlessly about how to
ontologise the world. IMHO to make progress we must consider actual
uses of this data. Like...a map. A general purpose map.

a) Would a general purpose map need to distinguish between a place
which is primarily for food and a place which is primarily for music?
b) Would a general purpose map need to distinguish between all the
grades of music vs food above? No.
c) Would a general purpose map need to distinguish between a music
venue for rock music vs a music venue for classical music? Probably

The purpose of our tagging scheme is to make life as easy as possible
for general uses, and flexible enough for specialist uses. So if
someone wants to make a "music venues of Amsterdam" map, they can tag
"amenity=music_venue, music_venue=concert_hall, music=classical
83%;light_opera 10%;rock 7%" etc.

Forcing people to make distinctions they lack information about, or
don't care about, like the concert_hall/music_venue distinction,
doesn't create good data.


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