[Tagging] Wikidata tag

Janko Mihelić janjko at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 13:01:43 UTC 2013

2013/2/27 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdreist at gmail.com>

> Yes, but the wikidata ID does not help in this case. McDonald's Corp.
> is not the same as McDonald's Deutschland Inc., you can find
> information about this in the German page, but not in other languages.
> As long as wikidata only links to articles and doesn't provide context
> on its own, it won't help or change anything besides of making it more
> complicated and error prone for mappers to look up a code instead of a
> human readable text.

It is providing context. The goal of Wikidata isn't to become a catalog of
Wikipedia articles, it is to become a big semantic database that has lots
of structured data (which is, conveniently, described in Wikipedia
articles). If we want, we can refine the data in Wikidata to better suit
our needs, of course, if our requests make sense to Wikidatans.

I agree not all problems can be solved at once, but Wikidata is a community
project, just like Wikipedia and Openstreetmap. If we (Openstreetmap) start
early by using and geocoding their data, they are probably going to treat
us like partners, and help us .

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