[Tagging] Tagging camp sites within campground

Andrew Errington erringtona at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 14:01:19 UTC 2013

On Mon, 17 Jun 2013 22:19:48 Tod Fitch wrote:
> In the case I am looking at now there is no street number for the
> campground. At least there is no sign indicating one nor have I seen a
> street number on an any map. So I guess that addr:housenumber might work.
> But I imagine that there are campgrounds that actually have an street
> number assigned to the whole complex, so overloading addr:housenumber would
> not work.
> For what it is worth, the practice in the area I an interested in for
> dispatching emergency services is to use the campground name and then the
> written reports, if for Forest Service, use the old township and range
> location. Other agencies might be using UTM grid nowadays.
> addr:unit seems like a reasonable choice for tagging the individual
> campsite. In the case where the whole campground has an street address, it
> seems like adding a unit number to the campground address is sufficient.
> But the Forest Service campgrounds in many of the areas I visit have no
> obvious street address and the service roads within the campground are
> usually unnamed too. So what, if anything, should be used for the
> addr:street tag?
> Any objections to using a addr:housename tag set to the campground name?
> Seems like that fits Bryce's old mailman analogy as an address that might
> have been deliverable.

Yes.  Instead, I suggest that you use tourism=camp_site and put the name in 

I would also suggest that addr:*=* is inappropriate for pitches on the site.  
addr:*=* would be for the campsite itself, probably the site office, but if 
there is no address (for the campsite) then you can't make one- just use 
name=* as above.

How about making a set of tags for a pitch?  ("pitch" is the area upon which 
the caravan or tent is situated).  You can create a node or an area (probably 
a rectangle) and use ref=* for the pitch number.  I don't know quite how to 
do the namespace, but something like:
camp_site=pitch (this is a pitch for a tent or caravan or motorhome)
camp_site:parking=yes/no (you can park next to your tent)
camp_site:electric=yes/no (there is an electrical hookup for this pitch)
camp_site:water=yes/no (there is a water tap for this pitch)
camp_site:drain=yes/no (there is a grey water drain for this pitch)
camp_site:type=tent;caravan;motorhome/static (the things we can put on this 

Best wishes,


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