[Tagging] Moving forwards with multi-valued attributes

Marc Gemis marc.gemis at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 06:41:56 UTC 2017

On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 10:12 PM, Kevin Kenny
<kevin.b.kenny+osm at gmail.com> wrote:
> There's no obvious solution in the case where multiply-valued keys need to
> be kept in correspondence, which appears to be what prompted the current
> discussion. It's not obvious that the present data model can handle the
> complexity of "destination #1 on the sign shows Erie Boulevard, toward
> Schenectady and the GE plant, while destination #2 on the sign shows State
> Street (NY 5) West, proceeding toward Scotia". I suspect that the best we
> could do is transcribe the sign verbatim, and then show lane restrictions
> and further destination signs on the link road. Having multiple sets of
> semicolon-separated values that have to be kept in correspondence seems
> error-prone. Moreover, I don't know at present of any data consumers that
> can handle such a notation. (Then again, I don't know of any data consumers
> that can handle the concept in any notation, so that's not a good argument.
> It is evidence, however, that the current discussion isn't entirely
> revisiting already-trodden ground.)

the most elaborate implementation of the destination signs can be
found on http://osm.mueschelsoft.de/cgi-bin/render.pl
It has some documentation on the tags it supports:

It is e.g. capable of combining destination:symbol=motorway;;parking
with destination=A12;Gotham;SuperParking
It has support for destination sign colors & symbols for Germany &
Belgium. You can contact the developer (or help him) in order to
support more countries.


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