[Tagging] Classifying roads from Trunk to Tertiary and Unclassified

Paul Johnson baloo at ursamundi.org
Sun Aug 11 17:38:09 UTC 2019

On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 3:26 AM Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenberg at gmail.com>

> trunk - connects cities to cities ("National Roads")
> primary - connects a town to a city or another town
> secondary - connects a village to a town/city or another village
> tertiary - connects a hamlet to a village/town or another hamlet
> unclassified - connect farms / isolated dwellings to a hamlet/vilage
> or another farm.

I'm pretty sure NE2 already tried forcing this once and it went
approximately nowhere because it turns out there's more country-to-country
nuance than that.

I'm all for adding additional and country-specific tags for highway, so
that these British-specific ones can continue to work there and I'd be open
to, say, getting highway= values like freeway, expressway, urban_arterial,
etc, that map nicely to the US.  But, trying to remap the consensus to
existing British-specific tag values is going to be a harder battle.
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