[Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - hiking_trail_relation_roles

Warin 61sundowner at gmail.com
Fri Dec 6 22:57:06 UTC 2019

On 07/12/19 05:45, Jmapb via Tagging wrote:
> On 12/6/2019 1:28 PM, Janko Mihelić wrote:
>> I think the "forward" and "backward" don't belong in a role of a
>> relation. Oneway=yes on a way should be enough. In the Wiki discussion
>> it is said that if there is one little "oneway" way in a big branch,
>> then all the ways in a branch should be checked to see if the whole
>> branch is oneway. But that means we are doing the work of a router
>> directly in the tags.
>> We should just mark "oneway" ways as such, and leave the rest to the
>> routers.
> If I recall, there were cases of one-way routes whose constituent ways
> were *not* one-way. I can't bring one to mind offhand though.

Australian 'Overland Track' is 'one-way' for people doing the whole 
route in the peak time, however people coming in from the sides are 
allowed to walk the other way for 'short distances'.
As such the ways are not oneway, but the route is oneway for some of the 
time. And during that time a fee is charged...
I have not attempted to tag the one way nature - if you apply for the 
permit you get told that information anyway.
The relation is 1673569

>> Also, "main" and "alternative" are orthogonal to "forward" and
>> "backward". We should then have "main:forward",
>> "alternative:backward", and so on. That doesn't make sense, and is not
>> what "role" is traditionally used for. Public transport routes used to
>> use them, but not in the new scheme.
> I think you're correct about the orthogonality but I disagree with the
> implication. "forward" and "backward" without a prefix can be presumed
> to refer to the main trail. If roles like "alternate:forward" and
> "shortcut:backward" prove necessary and useful then mappers will and
> data consumers will use them, but I don't feel they need to be part of
> the initial proposal.
> Jason
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