[Tagging] tagging a public waste incinerator complex

John Willis johnw at mac.com
Wed Feb 13 04:26:05 UTC 2019

TL;DR: OSM wiki says to tag incinerators as “power generators” - but what if they are old-style ones not used for power generation? How do you tag those? just use the same tags for consistency?


Where I live, most residential and commercial garbage is burned locally at incinerator plants. Garbage cans are marked “burnable” and “unburnable” for this reason. 

Each city has one or more waste centers that consolidates, sorts, and burns the burnable waste. This is in stark contrast to California, where waste is buried in landfills. 

https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/254497319 <https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/254497319>

This is my City’s.  It is a recycling center, a waste transfer station (for the unburnables), and a massive incinerator for burning the garbage. there is a (very small) landfill for burying the ash. 

Incinerators are *sometimes* used for electricity generation - some of the incinerators are so old, or so small (for a small village), that they don't generate any electricity - they are merely disposals.

This one is tagged as a power generator becuase (AKAIK) it *is* used for generation. Waste heat is alsoused for heating water for the adjacent swimming pool, which is common. But there are several more in my region that are very old that do not do anything but burn waste. 

How should I tag a generic industrial-scale waste incinerator (that is not a power plant). the only way it is a “waste transfer staton” is if you consider the smoke is being transferred into the sky. 

https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/669039486 here is an old one that (now) only burns certain types of selected waste. I imagine it handled all types of waste in the past (its pretty old). 

I tagged it as a waste transfer station & power generator  (for consistency), but I feel this is an error. 

Is this consistent, yet incorrect, tagging proper for such situations? What tagging should I use instead?

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