[Tagging] Maxtents=<number> or capacity:tents=<number> for campsites?

Tom Pfeifer t.pfeifer at computer.org
Wed Jul 3 08:18:30 UTC 2019

"capacity" is the well established for the number of items the facility can hold,
from students in school, parking spaces to hotel rooms.

"maxtents" is hard to understand, ambiguous and likely leading to confusion.
It could refer to the size as well (maxi tents?) which might explain the poorly tagged 
"maxtents=yes". Did you check if that came from a weird import?


On 03.07.2019 02:05, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
> Some users specify the number of tents or caravans allowed at a
> campsite or camp pitch with tents=<number> and caravans=<number>, but
> more frequently these are specified with capacity:caravans=<number>,
> capacity:tents=<number> or maxtents=<number>
> Currently maxtents=* is used most frequently and it's the shortest
> key, but there is no equivalent tag for carvans other than
> capacity:caravans=* - and also, the majority of maxtents= tags are
> "maxtents=yes" - and I don't understand what this could mean.
> So I'm thinking that capacity:tents=# and capacity:caravans=# would be
> the least ambiguous option, along with tents=yes/no and
> caravans=yes/no?

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