[Tagging] Linear bike-share stations

Warin 61sundowner at gmail.com
Tue Mar 19 03:23:19 UTC 2019

On 19/03/19 12:03, Nate Wessel wrote:
> Dear tagging list,
> I'd like to see if I can gather some consensus around allowing 
> bike-share stations (amenity=bicycle_rental) to be tagged as linear 
> features as well as points and polygons. There has been some related 
> discussion already on this topic both on the amenity=bicycle_rental 
> discussion page 
> <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Tag:amenity%3Dbicycle_rental#Mapping_as_a_.28linear.29_way.3F>, 
> and in the issues for the openstreetmap carto 
> <https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/2711> 
> style sheet.
> Currently a linear mapping is not supported by the standard OSM map 
> style, or the JOSM validation tools which issue a warning about ways 
> not being closed.
> My case for linear mapping is as follows:
> 1) Many stations are very long and skinny, essentially running 
> parallel to other linear features like sidewalks. Some stations can be 
> upwards of 20 or 30 meters in length and no wider than a couple feet 
> (if empty) or the length of a bicycle (if full).

I'd map as if full .. this would be the area used by the bicycles and 
not all ways available for other use.

> 2) Linear mapping is already allowed for bicycle parking and benches, 
> other street furniture amenities with similar dispositions.
> 3) Bike share stations typically have two sides (like a line, unlike a 
> polygon) with either one or both sides accepting bikes. Which way this 
> faces is a relevant fact and could easily tagged like entry=left or 
> something of that sort.
Um .. what is 'left' ? :0 And why do we need to map it? As cyclists can 
see (I hope) then they should readily be able to determine the access path?
> 4) Kiosk locations seem relevant, especially for very long stations. 
> None of these are mapped yet as far as I know but it seems like these 
> would be best mapped as a node on a way rather than as a node inside a 
> polygon.
> The case against as I see it is:
> 1) These can already be tagged as long polygons.
> 2) A linear mapping is not as well supported by current software.
> Perhaps the bigger question here is: the vast majority of stations are 
> currently mapped as nodes. If these were to get expanded, with more 
> added detail/accuracy would we do better to move toward polygons or 
> lines or both?

Polygons are better than lines, has they more information and are more 
Some mappers may map a line at the bicycle fixing point, others might 
map the line at the bicycle half width point and some others elsewhere.
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