[Tagging] Quarry lakes

Minh Nguyen minh at nguyen.cincinnati.oh.us
Thu Dec 24 21:36:33 UTC 2020

Vào lúc 09:22 2020-12-24, Brian M. Sperlongano đã viết:
> A commenter on the reservoir proposal[1] pointed out the existence of 
> quarry lakes[2], which is a lake that is formed after a quarry has been 
> dug after a mining operation.  It was suggested that such bodies of 
> water should be tagged separately from other lakes with a tag such as 
> water=quarry.
> Should quarry lakes be tagged under a separate value from water=lake?
> Should quarry lakes be tagged as a subset of lake, something like 
> water=lake + lake=quarry?

I have no opinion yet about the exact tag to use, but as a mapper and 
overpasser, I would appreciate a clear way to distinguish quarry lakes 
from other lakes. Most that I've mapped are within active quarries or 
quarries that were recently converted to nature preserves. The ones in 
active quarries change shape often, enough that I have to completely 
redraw them every time new aerial imagery comes out.

Come to think of it, maybe I could use colour=turquoise to distinguish 
them in the meantime. ;-)

minh at nguyen.cincinnati.oh.us

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