[Tagging] Public refrigerators

Jan Michel jan at mueschelsoft.de
Tue Feb 25 18:45:39 UTC 2020

isn't this exactly what a amenity=give_box is? Just for food and not for 
toys or clothes.
With your proposed tags, we would need yet another one for non-cooled 
food, so this is a bad idea in my opinion.

So, I suggest:
amenity = give_box
food = only
refrigerated = yes


On 25.02.20 16:44, Markus wrote:
> Hello all
> I've noticed that recycling:food= has been added [1] to
> amenity=recycling wiki page with the meaning "community fridge [2] to
> help reduce food waste".

> As we already use amenity=public_bookcase and amenity=give_box for two
> very similar facilities, it seems better to use something like
> amenity=public_refrigerator or amenity=community_fridge.

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