[Tagging] Updating definition and description of place=square

Tom Pfeifer t.pfeifer at computer.org
Sun Mar 22 13:21:18 UTC 2020

I fully agree with Martin here. The place=* key is used in OSM to indicate that a particular 
location is known by a particular name, and that is independent of details of the usage.

It might be that Joseph's perspective is driven by his intense work on the Carto style,
where it has to be decided if a name is being rendered in the place-style or in the park-style.

However OSM is more than rendering, it is about analysing the data. And when I ask e.g. Nominatim
or Overpass where all the Squares in my town are, I wish them to be included by the place=square tag 
and not lose some where the place tag has been omitted just because they are filled with a park.


>> On 21. Mar 2020, at 01:34, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenberg at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Check if any of the place=square features in your area should instead
>> be junction=yes (for a named street intersection or road junction) or
>> leisure=park or place=neighborhood.
On 22.03.2020 12:24, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> I don’t agree that an open space inside a settlement that is mainly used as a traffic junction, cannot be a place=square at the same time.
> Squares are generally deliberately left / created open / spaces in contrast to space occupied by buildings (they are voids cut out from building areas, places where the road enlargens, typically at crossings or placed as rhythmic sequences within a street).
> They come in all scales, as big central places with significance for the whole city (or even nation) or as small squares  at crossings in a residential area. They might be frequent or rare, depending on the cultural context, and their characteristics will depend generally on context.
> There is no need to impose arbitrary size limits or usage requirements (both, on the square and at its borders), nor to make the question of leisure=park junction=yes exclusive to place=square. They can perfectly coexist.
> IMHO place=square is a tag for a toponym that refers to a void inside a built environment, and size and usage is implicit from geometry and other objects.

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