[Tagging] schoolstraat / rue scolaire

Stefan Tauner stefan.tauner at gmx.at
Thu May 27 17:21:30 UTC 2021

On Thu, 27 May 2021 16:09:23 +0200
Jeroen Hoek <mail at jeroenhoek.nl> wrote:

> Because the designation is specific to Belgium, and that it is unlikely
> that a similar concept in other countries would match the same
> description and legal implications

Is that really the case though? What is so special about schoolstraats

Apart from the Italian example I am only familiar with what is done
here in Austria, which can more easily/precisely be specified by
conditions since the restrictions are limited to relatively small time
slots at the start and end of school attendance which are clearly
stated on the respective signs on the street[1]. The initial description
very much reads like "motor_vehicle=no @ school hours" basically.

1: https://gtvs-vereinsgasse.schule.wien.at/fileadmin/_processed_/0/e/csm_schulstra%C3%9Fe_nm_by_robert_wallner_bd1f16816b.jpg
Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stefan Tauner

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