[talk-au] amenity=parking in the middle of a field?

John Smith deltafoxtrot256 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 27 11:00:16 GMT 2009

2009/12/27 Liz <edodd at billiau.net>:
> Can anyone program a bot to pick up these rest areas and mark those without a
> subsequent change (ie new author) as not reviewed??

It's easy to pull data from one of the XAPI servers, eg to get all
fuel locations for Australia you do this:

wget http://osmxapi.hypercube.telascience.org/api/0.6/node\[amenity=fuel\]\[bbox=112,-45,155,-9\]
-O fuel.osm

Although the bbox does allow a few locations in from south eastern
asia, but then you can load the file into JOSM and run searches on it,
but it doesn't seem easy to search on the version number of an object,
not sure why but I've filed a bug about this:


You can however search based on username, so if all points were bulk
imported this might be the next best way to do things:


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