[talk-au] Canberra - last white spot on the map

Liz edodd at billiau.net
Wed Feb 10 10:42:24 GMT 2010

On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Sam Couter wrote:
> Methylated spirits these days is nearly 100% ethanol. The main additive
> is a bittering agent to discourage people from drinking it and maybe an
> emetic agent just in case they do. Back in the days when it contained
> methanol people still drank it which did even more damage.
nothing which can't be covered up with port (Boydies' special) orange juice 
(gumm with a short u) or bootpolish (brown lady)
there could be other regional names too
of course if the metho is polluted with water who is going to be caught 

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