[talk-au] remove nearmap and yahoo coverage polygons

Mark Pulley mrpulley at lizzy.com.au
Thu Jan 12 03:05:20 GMT 2012

Quoting Mark Pulley <mrpulley at lizzy.com.au>:
> Quoting Chris Barham <cbarham at pobox.com>:
>> Is anyone able to retrieve and delete the polygons defining the extent
>> of coverage of Nearmap and Yahoo imagery over Aus?
> From memory the bing imagery is in a relation - no idea if Nearmap and
> Yahoo are also

Nearmap boundaries are in a relation:


Yahoo will be tricker to remove as there appears to be no relation. I  
found one way near Sydney today:


and saw one near Brisbane recently, but others will need to be found  
the old-fashioned way!

Mark P.

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