[talk-au] QTOPO online maps

Andrew Harvey andrew.harvey4 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 08:27:20 UTC 2019

On Mon, 16 Sep 2019 at 18:07, Jonathon Rossi <jono at jonorossi.com> wrote:

> True, but that quote was that they wouldn't relicense under the ODbL. I
> hadn't really thought about it as relicensing, but by definition removing a
> clause would be a modified license. Interesting that heaps of other
> agencies are granting OSM a modified license, obviously in addition to
> everyone else getting it under CCBY4.

I'm not sure.

> The OSMF waiver asks for the licensor to allow copy protection on
> derivative works. IANAL but am unclear which part of the CCBY4 clause
> prevents copy protection on your derivative works if you in parallel
> provided all CCBY4 "Licensed Material" unrestricted.
> > [...] the Licensed Material *if doing so restricts* exercise of the
> Licensed Rights by any recipient of the Licensed Material

Yep that's the clause. You might get more of an answer on the legal-talk
mailing list. IANAL either so all we can do is abide by the current
guidance from the licensing working group.
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