[Talk-ca] Multiple university departments in one building

Tim Elrick osm at elrick.de
Wed Nov 28 00:59:17 UTC 2018


I am trying to contribute to filling the gaps on McGill campus on OSM at 
the moment and I ran into a problem which I haven't fund a satisfactory 
answer for yet.

We have several buildings on campus which are home to multiple 
departments, all buildings have a building name.

I looked the OSM wiki feature pages and in the OSM forum and found the 
following approach as apparently standard procedure:
1) Map building outline with building = university , name= XYZ building, 
operator=McGill University
2) Add a node inside the building for each department with 
office=university, description=department name
This produces irritating blue dots in the outline of the building, see 

When I looked at other universities, I found e.g. a node with 
amenity=university, name=department name. But when looking at the OSM 
wiki feature page for universities[1] it says you only should use 
amenity=university for the whole campus.

The office tag I found when looking for multiple businesses in one 
building, but the blue dot aren't nice.

Any suggestions on how to map this elegantly?

Thank you,
Tim (aka AGeographer)

[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity=university

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