[Talk-ca] Building Import

Danny McDonald mparrault at gmail.com
Fri Mar 15 14:57:40 UTC 2019

As previously noted, I will continue importing, unless I hear a specific
valid concern.  I will wait a week before re-starting, to allow time for
concerns to be raised.  To address some existing concerns:
- Making buildings orthogonal isn't an improvement, it is degrading correct
footprints for no good reason.
- I don't think mapping a large block of connected buildings as a single
building is incorrect.  It might be better to split large blocks of
buildings, but this is best done separately from the initial import.

As for local mappers, PierZen is a Quebec mapper, and Nate seems to map
almost exclusively around Cincinnati - I don't think either qualify as a
local mapper for Toronto or BC.
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