[Talk-GB] Using rights of way data

SomeoneElse lists at mail.atownsend.org.uk
Mon Apr 29 21:39:12 UTC 2013

Will Phillips wrote:
> If this data can be used I only plan to use it to supplement ground
> surveys where signage is missing or ambiguous. For example, there are
> several urban footpaths around where I live that I know to be rights
> of way but they have no sign. I would like to add designation tags to
> these if I can find a suitable source.

Licences permitting, that sounds like an excellent idea.  I'd be worried 
if paths started getting added to the database without any actual survey 
taking place*, but using local authority data to back up the fact that 
"everyone knows that the path from here is public" makes perfect sense 
when signage is ambiguous or worse (one that I can think of is broken 
and burnt).


* like a number of the long-distance paths in GB that are "suspiciously 
complete", and in some cases don't seem to contain any added value 
beyond "goes roughly from A to B".  Also, where it is possibly to 
overlay surveyed paths and local authority data there are often 
differences in where the council thinks the path goes and where it 
actually goes.

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