[Talk-GB] [talk-gb] Royal Mail post-box finder

Dan Glover dan at dgsys.co.uk
Mon Aug 16 08:31:00 UTC 2021

On 2021-08-16 06:12, Edward Bainton wrote:


> And is there any value in collecting the date that now appears next to
> the ref number on the plate? (Seems to be a recent addition?)

Probably not. From observation and enquiries via the Letter Box Study 
Group it appears to be nothing more, or less, than the date when the 
plate was printed. Sometimes this *may* vaguely correlate with when a 
new box has been installed [1] or it could highlight a change to 
collection times. However it's just as likely when a replacement was 
requested for a missing or damaged plate.

> eg, the last two lines of the plate on this box in Ely [2] read
>> Postbox number CB7 15 13/10/2020
>> CP1

There's unlikely to be any benefit in recording the final attribute, in 
this case CP1, as it's just the size of plate[3].


[1] sometimes the box is in place long before the plate appears
[2] not my footnote!
[3] CP1 fits pillar boxes and the larger wall boxes, lamp boxes are CP7. 
There are also "D" versions which relate to the boxes with morning 
collections so CP1D and CP7D will be seen in large numbers

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