[Talk-in] [software freedom day 2013 delhi] invitation to speak at the mapping party

sumandro sumandro at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 07:15:33 UTC 2013

Dear all,

A celebration of Software Freedom Day will be organised by Software Freedom
Law Centre in Delhi on 21st September.

Among the proposed sessions, there is an one hour slot for a mapping party.
Clearly not much of actual mapping can be done during the available time.
We are neither sure if Internet access can be organised for all the

The goal of the session being to talk about open geo-data in general and
OSM in particular, it will be great of OSM people from Delhi can please
join in and talk about OSM and its possibilities and challenges.

Please feel free to take the lead and give introduction to OSM and related
topics. The one hour introduction to free and open source mapping should
address topics like:

* brief history of digital mapping
* critical and/or counter-mapping
* commercial maps vs. free and open source maps
* crowdsourcing map data - challenges and possibilities
* OSM and its various tools/functions -- online editing, offline editing,
disaster response
* [please suggest]

It will be especially great if someone can talk about HOT and its works,
including during the recent floods in Uttarakhand.

For details, please see the draft agenda here: <


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