[Talk-in] Seeking advice for tree mapping using OSM

Arun Ganesh arun.planemad at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 10:47:47 UTC 2016

A few of us have experimented with doing tree mapping in Bangalore with
good results

You can check the data here: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/eoA

Broadly there are two steps to the process:
1) Map the tree locations accurately. This in itself is a pretty tough
problem as the accuracy of a GPS is usually not enough to locate a tree.
What has been most effective is to first trace the building footprints on
the street, and then use them as reference features to position the tree
correctly with around 1-2m accuracy.

2) Add tree properties. This requires some prior training on identifying
species and measurement tools to capture properties like trunk girth and
height. Canopy area can be mapped from satellite imagery.

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