[talk-ph] place=neighbourhood not rendered

Eugene Alvin Villar seav80 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 18:02:10 BST 2012

I've looked at the two OSM Wiki pages about "neighbourhoods"
(everyone, note the "u" since we're using British spelling mostly in


I agree that we can use this to tag subdivisions, urban puroks, urban
sitios, and the like.

place=subdivision is non-standard and place=hamlet is not appropriate
since these are used for small rural settlements (maybe we can use for
rural puroks and sitios?). place=locality, which one local mapper has
been using to tag subdivisions, seems inappropriate too since it's
meant to be used for named but unpopulated places.


On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 11:21 PM, Rally de Leon <ralleon at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Earlier schadow1 (Ervin) posted under subject_line: "[OSMPH GPS:14] place= ?"
> on osmph-gps-dev at googlegroups.com regarding proper tag for "subdivision".
> I took the opportunity (on my usual lengthy reply ;-) cc:talk-ph) to
> propose/push for a more appropriate substitute tag
> "place=neighborhood" for many inconsistently tagged node-places such
> as subdivision, locality and hamlet by lots of users (including me).
> This is just a follow-up. I already stated my case/proposal in my
> reply, but I may also be wrong on this, (being lazy on extensive
> research). I need to hear your reactions, votes and/or
> counter-proposals, coz this is going to affect a lot of your edits,
> including the potential none-rendering of many sub-village
> named-places in PH on Mapnik.
> The issue at the moment with nodes (and polygons tagged
> landuse=residential) tagged with place=neighbourhood is no rendering
> on Mapnik. https://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/4191
> Other references:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Neighbourhood
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:place
> We have to admit that this seemingly simple place-classification is
> still confusing for many, as evidenced on edits by old and new users
> still using inconsistent tags. We must do something about it sooner or
> later. So how do we proceed? Do we start promoting & educating on the
> use of "neighbourhood" or status quo until rendering issue is
> resolved?
> Rally :-)

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