[Talk-us] Tile layer in JOSM

Nathan Edgars II neroute2 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 18:25:16 GMT 2011

On 11/28/2011 1:10 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:
> I am not a tiled map service wizard but I sure thought I could get this done.
> What I have: a Shapefile with roads in Utah[1].
> What I want: to get a background layer for JOSM / Potlatch that
> highlights the named highways (federal, state and local numbered
> routes).
> Why I want this: to (allow people to) fix highway ref relations, a lot
> of them are broken around here it looks like, and I broke one more
> yesterday.

Note that the routes as defined by the state may not always match 
signage for various reasons. For example, SR-900 and SR-901 are not 
signed, and the data likely does not include overlaps such as US 50 on 
I-15. It may be easiest to use the Overpass API to download all ways in 
the state with ref tags and all relations with network=US:UT and find 
any ways with SR or UT that are not part of a relation.

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