[Talk-us] identifying TIGER deserts

Michal Migurski mike at teczno.com
Fri Dec 7 23:10:35 GMT 2012

On Dec 7, 2012, at 1:25 PM, Paul Norman wrote:

>> From: Michal Migurski [mailto:mike at teczno.com]
>> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] identifying TIGER deserts
>> That's great!
>> I've been thinking about some of the same things, inspired by Dennis
>> Zielstra's talk at SOTM-US. I'm looking at road lengths for 1x1
>> kilometer squares, measuring OSM user count (post-import) vs.
>> possibility for improvement between 2007 and 2012 TIGER/Line data:
>> 	http://mike.teczno.com/img/osm-users-imports-2012-09.png
>> 	- Blue means 2012 data would be an improvement
> How do you identify this? I know that some of the biggest improvements I've
> made to TIGER data in remote areas was to delete half of the data. If the
> TIGER2012 data hasn't changed a naive comparison will say that the 2012 data
> has twice the road length and is better, yet the OSM data is really better
> by virtue of paper roads having been deleted.

I identify it purely based on length, so yeah. If someone did nothing but delete TIGER roads then it would look like 2012 would be a huge improvement in an available area. If someone touched any one of the TIGER roads then it should cause that area to appear as a red/edited.


michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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