[OSM-talk] Prototype OSM renderer showing road types, place names and contours

Nick Whitelegg Nick.Whitelegg at solent.ac.uk
Tue Apr 11 11:21:32 BST 2006

Hello Tom,

>Hi Nick - good progress!  Contours especially are a nice addition.

>I have a couple of suggestions about colours though.  The black text
>is getting lost because of the black casing on the lines.  Using a mid
>to dark grey (or better, a darker version of the road colour) for the
>casing would improve that I think.

>This one's just my own opinion, but grey is a bit sombre for the
>background, no?  How about white or a light yellow as Richard
>suggested for the SVG maps?

OK, thanks for the input, will have a play around with some other colour 

>PS I get a JS error in IE which I'd be happy to take a look at if you
>don't have it handy.

Thanks. I have Explorer at work, so I can probably have a look myself if I 
get round to it...


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