[OSM-talk] Google Maps maps most of Europe

Simon Hewison simon at zymurgy.org
Tue Apr 25 15:01:08 BST 2006

Raphaël Jacquot wrote:
> numerous press articles show that they're doing the exact same thing as 
> we are doing.
> teleatlas even has a camper that is fitted with a large computer array 
> and high res video camera, and has a machine vision system to 
> automatically take note of road signs. I'm told it can even read the 
> signs using OCR

I know they use that arrangement for countries without good national 
mapping agencies that they can get a good base dataset from. Apparently, 
they're using it to survey Portugal and similar countries.

Ordnance Survey GB do a VERY good job, but it's also a very expensive job.

Simon Hewison

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