[OSM-talk] Links to Forum

TM tm at 8k.se
Mon Jun 19 16:28:53 BST 2006

Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> (FWIW I quite like the idea of a forum as a means of encouraging less
> experienced users... but it 100% needs to have single sign-on with the
> rest of OSM, and some level of integration with the wiki would be
> immensely helpful. Anyway, that's not really the discussion in hand.)
Maybe it should be. This thread is about whether to add links to an
unofficial forum to the messages sent to the mailing list. What it
should have been about (in order to be relevant and/or useful) is
whether we need a forum in the first place. Ben Robbins seems to think
we do. I don't.

Even though a forum and a mailing list aren't exactly mutually
exclusive, they don't really complement each other either. Adding a
forum is not that different from setting up a parallel mailing list. In
either case, its perceived benefit (attracting new users) does not
outweigh the problems created (such as fragmenting discussions between
different systems). At this time, web based mail services and the
mailing list archives are perfectly good alternatives for those who do
not like mailing lists.

It's bad enough as it is with the lack of integration of web, wiki, and
mailing lists (plus developer accounts, SVN etc.) Once these are more
integrated/unified, it should be relatively easy to add some web-based
interface to the lists. Until then it's not worth it.

I think it's more likely that newcomers are put off by the lack of
integration between different parts/systems, than the fact that a
mailing list is used. Still there is no debate about that -- probably
because we all agree that it would be a good thing but nobody really
wants to do it. Besides, as long as the current systems work, time can
be better spent on other issues.

The only use I can think of for the existing (unofficial) forum is for
local groups to coordinate efforts or whatever. It would probably be
easier to set up than a mailing list. But if the people in London
managed, I can't see why people in other places would have a problem
with using mailing lists. (Or setting up their own message boards.)

    /   TM

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