[OSM-talk] Getting postal workers to do the leg (wheel) work

Joerg Ostertag (OSM Munich/Germany) openstreetmap at ostertag.name
Fri Oct 13 11:00:19 BST 2006

On Friday 13 October 2006 11:41, Jack Challen wrote:
> Hi,
> I had an idea while driving a particularly odd route to work this
> morning (I hadn't mapped that way yet): has anyone thought about
> giving GPS dataloggers to postmen?

This sound really tempting in the first place;
but I think this might arise some legal Problems:
Lets assume the postman is willing to accept publishing the tracks under 
CC-SA-BY licence. 
 - do we have to ask his employer if he accepts to have all 
   the routes published his employee are taking.
 - And one more question about privacy concerns of his clients.
   Do we have to ask all clients if they want to have published when 
   and where they received a parcle?

Just my personal thoughts


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