[OSM-talk] OSM point of interest editor

Nick Whitelegg nick at hogweed.org
Fri May 11 10:39:43 BST 2007

Following up on the "how to survey landscape features" discussion earlier in 
the week, I now have an initial version of a point of interest editor 
available at:


It uses the OpenLayers vector layer and is basically the same application as 
the "osmajax" editor mentioned a few weeks ago, but with editing restricted 
to areas (woods, lakes etc) and points of interest (nodes with tags other 
than 'created_by').

With the POI editor you can draw polygons (woods, lakes etc) and add new 
points of interest on top of a background map which can be either New Popular 
Edition, Freemap or tiles at home. At the moment it uses a high level 
abstraction for tags, so that rather than adding tags, people specify that 
it's a "wood" or a "lake" or a "farm" or a "pub". Full tag editing will come 

The UI is rather rough and ready at the moment as it's only a prototype, but I 
hope it'll go some way towards sorting out the problems with surveying stuff 
in the countryside. Hopefully it'll be in a good state to demo at the Lake 
District event and be useful for that event.

UI considerations aside (I haven't put much effort in this area yet) any other 
feedback, requested features etc, welcome.


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