[OSM-talk] Making the sea blue in mapnik [getting there]

Martijn van Oosterhout kleptog at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 22:32:08 GMT 2007

I've been looking into making the sea around NL blue in mapnik and it
seems what needs to be done is to fix the shapefiles that describe the
coastline. However, as anyone who has imported coastlines knows, the
quality of the data at that level is pretty poor. To fix it you have
to do the same work as someone who imports the data into the DB. So I
figured, why not just extract the coastlines out of the DB and turn
them into shapefiles?

Anyway, I've done this and have something working. However, it's not
quite there yet, I need to run the equivalent of close-areas over it.
My initial goal is to get the entire coastline of western europe
working (well, maybe NL first) because the coastline there is almost
completely imported. See this image:


White is areas that are properly closed, the black lines are unclosed
areas but continuous and the red dots are places where the coastline
is discontinuous. These need to be fixed so that the coastline is a
single unbroken line.

To acheive this goal only bits near portugal need to be imported, as
well and fixing problems near italy and greece. (please coordinate
this, not everyone at once).

Hopefully within a week we can have nice seas on mapnik, even at high zoom...

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog at gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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