[OSM-talk] TIGER cleannup

Beej Jorgensen beej at beej.us
Fri Nov 16 19:16:27 GMT 2007

Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> The reason you don't get a response is because no-one has any idea. In
> NL we're likely to get government street data in a few years, and we
> also have no idea how to deal with that...

At least in the US, we can get our hands on aerial photography, and can 
correct the bad census data from that.  It tends to go pretty quickly.

Even the good census data requires attention (e.g. at overpasses).

But yeah, no point in correcting it ourselves if it's just going to be 
overwritten in the future...

-Beej, already has corrected thousands of points

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