[OSM-talk] Several map features at the same place

Tom Hughes tom at compton.nu
Thu Sep 27 10:11:21 BST 2007

In message <20070927100349.3v0cqky9s00g0w44 at webmail.systemed.net>
        Richard Fairhurst <richard at systemed.net> wrote:

> Before the Rails port, ; in keys and values was certainly escaped as  
> ;;;, and = as ===. (The separators were single ; and =.)

I can't find any evidence for that - the old code is:

      tags = []
      pt.elements.each('tag') do |tag|
        tags << [tag.attributes['k'],tag.attributes['v']]
      tags = tags.collect { |k,v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join(';')

I can't see any escaping there.


Tom Hughes (tom at compton.nu)

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