[OSM-talk] displayed width of roads

Abigail Brady morwen at evilmagic.org
Mon Feb 18 08:34:22 GMT 2008

On Feb 17, 2008 9:42 PM, Robin Paulson <robin.paulson at gmail.com> wrote:

> why are roads displayed so thickly? I was looking at osm data overlaid
> on oam, and realised that for a lot of roads, at some zoom scales, the
> line is probably twice the width of the actual road. this causes
> problems at even simple motorway junctions, as the whole thing becomes
> a big blue mess. could i request this be looked into?

Well, if this isn't done, then roads quickly become hairlines at lower
zooms.  There's not really much to look into. If you want to see the roads
they have to be wider than they really are.

> http://openstreetmap.org/?lat=-36.97273&lon=174.81833&zoom=16&layers=B0FT
> is a good example, which is a very simple junction

What a professional road atlas would do here is very likely to exaggerate
the junction so that it makes sense given the width using to render the
roads. Doing this algorithmically is hard, but probably not impossible.

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