[OSM-talk] Islands in lakes

Alan Millar am12 at bolis.com
Thu Jun 5 00:28:55 BST 2008

I found a fix for some of the island rendering problems,
where the island is split across two z12 tiles.  One tile
looks correct, but the other tile is inverted: it looks like 
a land area with half a lake when it should look like a water
area with half an island.

If the island is tagged with "natural=water", it doesn't work
right, even when the way is counterclockwise like it should be.
If you change the island to "natural=coastline", it should then
render the tile correctly.

What I see in close_areas.pl is that it just looks at natural=coastline
and not natural=water.

This fixed the inverted tiles around several islands in Lake
Titicaca (although you won't see them until tomorrow because of the
backlog on tile uploads and processing).

- Alan

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