[OSM-talk] map display www.openstreetmap.org

Matthias Julius lists at julius-net.net
Mon Oct 13 16:25:36 BST 2008

SteveC <steve at asklater.com> writes:

> On 10 Oct 2008, at 23:37, Matthias Julius wrote:
>> SteveC <steve at asklater.com> writes:
>>> I'm all for lat/lng to be a user-enabled display option, but it's
>>> delusional to think that most people on the planet care and I
>>> personally want most people on the planet using our maps.
>> And I don't think that most people on the planet mind a set of small
>> numbers in a corner of the map even if they don't know what they
>> mean.  If they show N, S, E and W instead of negative coordinates it
>> will even be more clear to people what it is.
> You're being totally bonkers. I've said I agree that it could be a  
> user option but you're suggesting that we should do what no mainstream  
> mapping site has ever done - by default have lat/lng shown as changing  
> figures on the map. All because you think it would be nice.
> Please try harder. We have 1.2 billion things to improve on, and this  
> is really not high up on that list.

Hey, relax!

I am not trying to impose any priorities on your or anyone's list.  

I was just trying to say that while an optional coordinate display
would be great it would not hurt to have this permanent until user
options are implemented for the map.  And it would be realively easy
to turn on in OpenLayers.

And there are other things OSM is doing that "no mainstream mapping
site has ever done".  So, this argument does not count in my view.  I
actually consider it a good thing to have a feature that nobody else
has and that is useful to at least some people.


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