[OSM-talk] NoName

"Marc Schütz" schuetzm at gmx.net
Sun Sep 14 18:43:11 BST 2008

> On 14/09/2008 17:45, Andy Allan wrote:
> > On Sun, Sep 14, 2008 at 3:48 PM, Ed Loach <ed at loach.me.uk> wrote:
> >> Gerv wrote:
> >>
> >>> What is the official way (read: "way that the map will
> >>> recognise) of
> >>> marking a road to say that it actually doesn't have a name, and
> >>> so
> >>> shouldn't appear as "name missing" on the map?
> >> Could you add the name tag with a blank value (I've not tried this
> >> yet). I am guessing it is checking for the name tag and not checking
> >> values, though may be wrong.
> > 
> > Please don't try to find things that "work". At the moment there's no
> > convention on marking roads that are truely unnamed, and when there's
> > a convention established (or more than one, who knows) then the
> > nonames map will be updated to use it. The best I've heard so far is
> > an additional tag of noname=true, which requires so much mental
> > gymnastics that I'm sure we can come up with a better one!
> There are only really three solutions, I think:
> 1. do nothing and don't worry about it
> 2. have a separate tag (as with noname=true)
> 3. have a special value for the name tag (name=none or some such)

I would prefer allowing empty values for keys, as an empty string is more intuitive than any other arbitrary value, and it is easily generalizable to all keys (vs. noname, nomaxspeed, nowhatever etc.). Of course, that would require to change the editors (at least JOSM).

Regards, Marc

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