[OSM-talk] Divided roads proposal

Pieren pieren3 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 10:28:34 GMT 2009

On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Richard Mann
>> That's a problem with the rendering, not with the mapping.
> Unless you want to write routines for pre-processing two almost-parallel
> ways back into a single way so it can be rendered neatly, I suggest it's a
> mapping problem. Don't make work for other people if you don't have to.

It's both, a rendering issue when the names are duplicated and a
mapping issue about representing the turn restrictions. Note that It's
a very old definition in OSM to say that we duplicate the ways when
there is a physical division between the two ways (it's physically
impossible to cross the road with a car, e.g. a sidewalk, a wall, a
fence, grassland). A simple painted white line is not enough.
I personnaly prefer to draw two ways and the connections where they
exist than creating dozen turn restrictions.

It's funny to see the whole discussions about drawing every single
lanes or everything as areas and this proposal.


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